Saturday, March 22, 2014

Gem of the Week: Tiger's Eye

Tiger Eye is a form of chalcedony quartz Cat's Eye. Tiger Eye gems are generally cut as cabochon, but also often into round pieces for necklaces and pendants. Tiger Eye gemstones help to convert anxiety, fear and obsessiveness into practicality and logic. The gemstone increases confidence and clear thinking. Color: Yellow-Gold, Blue, Red


Like Cat's Eye, Tiger's eye is a chatoyant gem, which means that the stone has a fibrous quality allowing it to have a silky smooth, flowing appearance. Tiger's Eye is less valuable than Cat's Eye but is sometimes used to imitate it. Tiger's Eye stones can have their colors enhanced by various treatments; a blue Tiger's Eye is called a Hawk's Eye. 

Bonus: Tiger Iron
Tiger Iron is rock composed of Tiger's Eye, red Jasper, and black Hematite. These materials band together to create a visually stunning rippling rock formation. Tiger Iron has been used chiefly for decoration of knife hilts, paneling, and beads. 


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