Monday, February 3, 2014

Gem of the Week: Moonstone

Moonstones are usually polished as a cabochon, and often carved with a moon face. Moonstones are used to sooth stress and anxiety. Moonstone gemstones offer healing qualities for women, who experience hormone imbalance. The moonstone also offers healing properties for the lymph nodes of the body. Color: White, Pink, Yellow

Moonstone is named after is unique diffraction that gives the stone its celestial sheen. The Ancient Romans believed that Moonstone was solidified rays of moonlight, which made it extremely valuable. The stone has been connected to many different moon deities over the ancient world. Moonstone had a resurgence during the Art Nouveau period, being used in French artist, Rene Lalique's jewelry at the time. 
Moonstone is the state stone for Florida. 

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